
Changing my Series to Taxonomy

in tech    4 min. read

August 27, 2017

When trying to implement a series sidebar and stand alone page in Hugo, I saw advantages of using the taxonomies structure in hugo. config.toml To implement series as a taxonomy, I added it to my config.toml. That section now contains three taxonomies. [taxonomies] category = "categories" series = "series" tags = "tags" Front Matter My only change to front matter from my previous series implementation was to change into an array style.

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Disabling Analytics for Local Hugo

in tech    2 min. read

August 3, 2017

Hugo’s watching web server is great for creating pages. Tweak a little and see the browser refresh. (Unless you break things and then it is still just a manual browser refresh away from back to the good state, once your page is unbroken.) As I was developing local pages, I happened to have my realtime Google Anaytics open. I noticed I was hitting it. When I look back at yesterday’s stats, I have 124 visits to a page I was working on, but hadn’t published yet.

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Implementing a Series in Hugo

in tech    7 min. read

August 3, 2017

Note: This is the first method I used to create a series with Hugo. Later in the Hugo series, I changed to using taxonomies, which is a better way of accomplishing this. This post is left up for reference. Goal In converting my Pelican blog over to Hugo, I needed to learn a new templating system. I miss a few things that Pelican did, like categories based on folders and not front matter.

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Moved from Pelican to Hugo

in tech    3 min. read

August 1, 2017

I’ve used Python as my main programming language for a few years. When my Word Press was hacked and defaced yet again, I finally decided to rebuild my website with a static generator and host on GitHub. I leaned towards Pelican, due to the Python base that I thought I could modify if I needed. And I hoped that I could get it to work easily. I did get everything converted over to .

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